What Do Patients with Tracheitis Need to Pay Attention To?

Acute tracheitis occurs mostly in the elderly and infirm, and chronic tracheitis occurs in smokers, long-term exposure to harmful gases, low immune function and the elderly and infirm.  


So what do patients with tracheitis need to pay attention to?

1.Pay attention to the light diet, eat more fresh vegetables such as: cabbage, spinach, rape, radish, carrots, etc.
2.Don’t deliberately avoid spicy and irritating foods, unless eating them can cause or aggravate discomfort.

3.Cakes and other sweet foods and pickled foods and other salty foods should be eaten as little as possible. 

Other than that: 

1.Appropriate exercise, such as breathing exercises, tai chi, etc., to enhance resistance, but need to prevent excessive exercise, outdoor climate conditions are poor to avoid not exercise. 

2.Timely addition and subtraction of clothing when the weather changes. 

3.Quit smoking and avoid second-hand smoke inhalation, pay attention to protection against air pollution. 

4.Get the flu vaccine in time. 


Visit the nearest Fullerton Health clinic to arrange your flu vaccination schedule.

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