How to stay healthy during the fasting month

During the month of Ramadan, the Moslems are fasting 13 hours a day for one whole month. In order to be able to practice the obligation well and stay healthy, it is necessary to maintain a balanced nutritional intake. These are how to do it.



Vegetables & Fruits – Complex Carbohydrates – Protein.

Try to eat food with 3 of those nutrients at early breakfast. For vegetables, it can be processed in a way that can help increase fluid intake such as soup. It is also good to add cucumber and tomatoes.

For complex carbohydrates, a type of carbohydrate that is digested more slowly by the body, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, or tubers (cassava, sweet potatoes, potatoes).

Protein should be processed by mixing in soup or baking. Especially during fasting, avoid processing by frying with a lot of oil (deep-frying).

If you are able to meet the above food intake, the fruit that should be selected is fruits with high water content such as watermelons. Avoid drinks that can trigger urination more often such as coffee, tea and also soft drinks.



Restore energy when breaking the fast by consuming food with complete nutrients. It can be started by consuming 2-3 date fruits or 1 tablespoon raisins and 1-2 glasses of water. Date fruits contain energy and fiber which are good for the body. After praying time, we can have a full meal just as the early breakfast.

Try to add the portion of vegetables / fruit twice the portion at dawn. This is to help meeting the daily fiber needs (30 grams per day). If drinking water a few glasses at a time feels uncomfortable, it can be substituted with fruit juice with 1 tablespoon of honey.

Enjoy the food and eat slowly to avoid overeating.





10 tablespoons of rice / 2 pieces of bread

1 medium slice of skinless roasted chicken / 1 omelette (with 1 tsp of oil)

1 large bowl of red bean spinach soup

1 piece of watermelon

1 orange

1-2 glasses of water



3 date fruits

10 tablespoons of rice / vermicelli

1 medium grilled fish / 3 tablespoons stir-fried beef

1 large bowl of vegetable soup + 1 tofu

1 large pear / 2 oranges

1-2 glasses of water



If you want to do a physical activity, it is recommended to do it exactly 15-30 before breakfasting or about 1-2 hours after breakfasting. After exercise, consume more fluid to replace its loss during exercise and meet daily needs.


(Article by the WELLNESS TEAM – Fullerton Health Indonesia)

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